The Grommet

Sail Around the World

A Voyage of Heart and Song by Liza Farrow-Gillespie I would love to read all of the books people have gifted me throughout the years. Sadly, most are still sitting on my shelf. Like most people, reading time is precious and limited, and I like to spend my time reading books that attract me, not
Many years ago, when I was applying for colleges, I had to write one, two, or sometimes three essays for each college or university I applied to. This process equaled at least seven, probably more around 14-21 essays for all schools. There was usually one required essay that everyone had to complete, and one essay

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What is a beta reader? A beta reader is someone hired by an author to preview their book before publication.

Voodoo Child: Top Book of the Year

I love the question, if you could, what decade would you travel back to and visit for one night. The 1970s is my top choice. Specifically, Aspen, Colorado in the ‘70s. I imagine rich celebrities cloaked in head-to-toe fur throwing back shots at the Hotel Jerome, skiing in just jeans in the spring, or spending
I learned a hard lesson after submitting a terrible review a month ago. I’ll spare you the awful things I wrote about the book, even if you can still go online and see it posted on a major bookseller’s website. I ended up revising the review on Goodreads two weeks later.