The Grommet
Sharp End of Life
If you follow my blog, you will know I love all things outdoor adventure. So, this week, I will be reviewing the book “The Sharp End of Life” by Diedre Wolownick.
There are three reasons why editing is more challenging than the SATs that I had to recognize and overcome: pressure, tempered confidence and empathy.

May’s Best and Worst Books

Despite a full workload, I read more books than expected this month. Instead of highlighting one book, I decided to kick off summer with a review of my month's reading, highlighting the best and worst. So, here are May's best and worst books.

Why Editing is a Key to Success

business copyediting and proofreading - sample website
Embarrassing spelling and grammar mistakes happen, especially in our current world where quick and responsive texts, chats and email rule our work world. Like it or not, error-free spelling and grammar still matter professionally. Editing your writing is necessary for upholding a solid professional image, whether you are a student, working professional or volunteer. As

Rivet Explained in 199 Words

Rivet Explained in 199 Words
My husband and I have a proven track record of building brands and businesses. The most common question we get from people is, “How do you come up with new products and brands?” The most common compliment we get is, “You nailed it.” Putting all your effort, education, experience and heart into an idea is