The Grommet

The Best Books of Spring 2023

Spring is officially here, and with that comes the beautiful blooming trees in Northwest Arkansas (grab your Claritin). It also is a great time to review the books I’ve read since my last book review in September. There are a lot of books, so I’ve highlighted just five of the more riveting reads, and the
My birthday has just come and gone, so I will come clean with the fact that I’m (cough, cough) older than others. I admit I’m older, but I’m also wiser. For example, instead of tackling everything on my monthly list in one day and then getting disappointed that I didn’t do it all, I am
Going into my third year of business, I recognized that I was chasing the dollars but not the purpose. This left me worn and ping-ponging from one project to the next. I needed to make a change, improve my work habits and get focused. That is why I chose pinpoint for my word for this year
Torn page with middle text in blue: Ready to get published
I picked up running the summer between my first and second years in college. It was a great goal to start something new, shed the freshman 15, and it was cheaper than any other hobby. All I thought I needed was a good pair of running shoes, and I could head outside and try my

What is your word for 2023?

Large red pushpin set on a green tourist map for travelling.
Today is National Brew a Potion Day. How did following the trend of the National Day calendar even start? I also noticed that people are beginning to pick a “Word of the Year.” So, naturally, as a copywriter, editor and proofreader, I perked up to this trend. So, my word for 2023 is pinpoint. Pinpoint The