The Grommet

How Can Copy Editing Help My Business

proofreading sample
I am an editor, proofreader, copy editor and copywriter. Confusing, right? Basically, I clean up the mistakes you have in anything written, so you do not look dopey, and your ideas come across clearly once these things are published. Companies refer to this as copy editing. I edit websites, proofread important emails, contracts, presentations, legal
Susan Signature Block
Ghosting, COVID-19 and Other Buzzwords Language is a living, breathing thing. It changes over time. These changes can be neutral, positive or negative, but they are silly more often than not. When I started my business, a few words made me laugh at the seriousness the person using it employed. After laughing at these new

A Day in The Life of a Freelancer

Day in The Life of a Freelancer
I wasn’t sure what life would be like as a freelancer. Initially, I visioned no changes in my lifestyle. I would add a few hours of work followed by poolside reading and lots of outdoor exercise and adventure. Catching up with friends for lunch at least once a week was also possible. My newfound freedom

What Is a Sample Edit?

proofreading and editing services what is a rivet
Hiring an editor, whether you are a business or an author, is similar to other hires. You need to background check, review qualifications and interview. However, you can learn more about the editor and ensure that person can do the job before hiring them with a sample edit. Sample edits help determine if the editor
Best and Worst Books August 2021
If you have read my book reviews before, you will notice I do not prescribe to the traditional form of a book review. Usually, when you read a book review, you get an overview first, then a summary of the storyline, and then a critique. However, a summary of the book’s plot or storyline does